Get Involved


The Rroma-Workers Network can’t function without the prayers of those around the globe, interceding on its behalf.


Your financial gift will enable the Rroma-Workers Network continue to grow and thrive in the years ahead. Financial gifts can either be given to be distributed where funds are most needed, or towards a specific project such as the ongoing costs of our website, or to support a worker to attend our next RWN conference. Please click the Give tab above for more information about how your gift can make a difference.


Even if you’re not a worker with the RWN, we welcome any resources you may contribute to do with Rroma ministries. You can suggest or submit resources such as images, data and audio files by emailing them to Please include all relevant details of the resource, such as location, people group, language, date, original source, copyright information, and the type of file eg PDF, mp4 etc.
Please also include your details so we can contact you for more information if necessary.


Do you have a heart for the Rroma people in Romania? We’d love to have more full-time team members join us to grow the RWN into the coming years. Please see opportunities to serve or contact us to find out more!

Also, many of our workers have short and long term opportunities to serve alongside their ministries.

  • Do you have a summer free to help with children’s, youth or adult’s camps (June-July)?
  • Do you have theological training and could teach a subject or two at one of the Rroma Bible Schools?
  • Do you have a specific skill that you could use to train Rroma communities in, to help them create a sustainable income? For example, sustainable agricultural or business practices.
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